Tuesday, July 1, 2014


My neighbor sounded like he said m*********** and later Chinese, and it made me feel like the 1st when I heard them.


My neighbors made a noise and in the end it stimulated me.  I wanted to go to bed.

My Problem

She never seems to sort anything out.  I just said I think it was someone else and found out it was her.  I still don't believe it's her.


I just posted about Ellen on IMDb, and they are pressuring my ears.  They are physically harming me.

If you don't like it..

..why do you do it?


Go find some real nasty people and have a ball.


What do you wanna talk about, what I just said or that I said you were "just 'evil?'"  I didn't mean anything weird.  Looks like you're gonna lose.


I don't care what Ellen thinks.  She does not learn to let go and makes these things happen.  She's just an evil person.  I still am interested, though, cuz others mighta been eviler.

And I didn't do anything to her!  I don't know how else to say.  She won't go back to being nice.  She won't leave me alone.  She must have problems..  Well, "talk to me about it.."


Ellen is still hurting me.  I said I wanted to fight her, and everything changed.  She had acted that she did all this mean stuff to me, all the weird noises and way my computer loads and the mean way people treat me.  I took it back, figured it was too risky for her.  Anyway, now, I am sensing a disturbance in the force.


My iron isn't turning on, yet..


Sorry for what goes on in my head.. I was kinda busy right now and got hurt.  Not sure what to say, was hurt and it just happens.. as does to me probably.  No one probably bugs most people like this.  I don't really mean it, but I am upset.


Ya'll are just on autopilot. Look at what a mess you are.
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I feel different, like a vein just popped out some. It may be going back.
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Twitter doesn't have a link to press to load more Tweets on Internet Explorer.  It happened suddenly.
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Sorry If You Are Offended

About I said so I heard your singing.. it has lotta good work and quality.  People are just different.  You shouldn't be plunging in like that, I meant, saying other people can't sing or can't sing as well.  Dunno?


This person keeps loading stuff a certain way to talk to my on my computer for Ellen.  They also just tried to reassure me I said something I didn't say that they like and I don't.


I was already an okay person.  I don't need to be mushy with my parents like others of you do.  I'm a good person, already.


They won't stop sending messages.  It was about the leg of my dad and a window popped up when I got a message about it!

More Nonsense to Taket the Time to Say in Danger of..

..posting too much of this.

They moved something on my screen as I was about to close a window, I think.